Program & Replays
The Continuity of Consciousness
In this informative session, you'll hear from Pim van Lommel, MD, about the findings and conclusions of a prospective and longitudinal study defining near-death experiences (NDEs) as well as analyzing survivors of cardiac arrest. Find out how enhanced consciousness is experienced at the moment the brain no longer functions, and the non-locality of consciousness, as well as other experiences around the deathbed (ELE, terminal lucidity, perimortal experiences, shared death experiences, ADC).
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Results of a prospective and longitudinal Dutch study on near-death experience (NDE) in 344 survivors of cardiac arrest
- Several universal elements that can be experienced during NDE and how consciousness and memories could be experienced outside the body
- The phenomenon of the NDE is an authentic experience that can no longer be scientifically ignored
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UPGRADE HEREPim van Lommel
Pim van Lommel, MD, born in 1943, graduated in 1971 from the University of Utrecht and finished his specialization in cardiology in 1976. He worked from 1977-2003 as a cardiologist in Hospital Rijnstate, 800 beds Teaching Hospital in Arnhem, the Netherlands, and is now doing full-time research on the mind-brain relation. He published several articles on cardiology, but he started his research on near-death experiences (NDE) in survivors of cardiac arrest in 1986.
He is the author of over 20 articles (most of them in Dutch), one book, and many chapters about NDE. He was a co-founder of the Dutch IANDS in 1988. In 2005, he was granted the "Dr. Bruce Greyson Research Award" of the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). In 2006, the President of India rewarded him with the "Life Time Achievement Award" at the World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in New Delhi. His Dutch book Endless Consciousness was nominated for the ‘Book of the Year 2008’ in the Netherlands. In 2010, he received the 2010 Book Award van de Scientific and Medical Network, and in 2017 he received the "Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Award" by the Dutch Society of Volunteers in Palliative and Terminal Care (VPTZ). In 2020, the Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) honored him for his ground-breaking work about Near-Death Experiences as a Circle of Honor honoree.
The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) started 2021, an international essay contest for the best scientific evidence about a possible ‘afterlife’. With his article, entitled: The Continuity of Consciousness, he won the second Price. In 2022, he became an Honorary Member of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). In November 2007, his book Endless Consciousness (Eindeloos Bewustzijn) was published in The Netherlands, which is a bestseller with more than 155.000 copies sold (28th edition). His book was nominated for the ‘Book of the Year 2008’ in the Netherlands. His book was published in Germany in 2009, and it has been published in the English language by Harper Collins in 2010, entitled: Consciousness Beyond Life. The science of the near-death Experience, and in the same year the book received the 2010 Book Award by de Scientific and Medical Network. In 2011, the Polish edition was published, the Spanish translation was published in 2012, and in the same year, his book was also published in France. In 2015, the book was also published in Latvia, in 2017, in Italy, and in 2019 the book was published in Hungary. In 2020, the book was published in China, and in 2021 it was published in Russia. By now more than 400.000 copies have been sold worldwide.