Program & Replays
Genealogy and Mediumship: Communicating With Your Ancestors
Do our ancestors communicate with us to help in our genealogical and family history research? Sharon DeBartolo Carmack will discuss the information or clues a medium can obtain by connecting with your ancestors, and how anyone's research can benefit from a connection with the spirit world.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- What information a medium can receive from ancestors
- What information is unlikely to be communictated and why
- How anyone can communicate with their ancestors
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UPGRADE HERESharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack is a Certified Genealogist with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing. She received a Certificate in Demonstrating Mediumship and an Advanced Academic Diploma from the Spiritualists’ National Union in the U.K. To her knowledge, Sharon is the only person in the U.S. to have credentials in both mediumship and genealogy.
Sharon is the author of twenty-seven books, including the biography, In Search of Maria B. Hayden: The American Medium Who Brought Spiritualism to the U.K., and her newest book, a memoir, Midlife Medium: A Genealogist’s Quest to Converse with the Dead.