Program & Replays
Does Consciousness Continue After Death?
Join Sue Brayne as she discusses how looking at life experiences provides evidence that consciousness quickens during the last days of life. Love appears to play a central role in helping people to let go.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Your existential understanding of death and dying
- How consciousness quickens during the dying process
- The way love rolls in at the end of life
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Sue Brayne originally trained as a state registered nurse and has an MA in the Rhetoric and Rituals of Death (King Alfreds, Winchester), and a second MA in Creative Writing (Oxford Brookes). She was Dr. Peter Fenwick's honorary researcher for a five-year retrospective study into end-of-life experiences through the Clinical Division of Southampton University, which was one of the first of its kind to study existential phenomena during the dying process. Sue is the author of The D-Word: Talking About Dying, Nearing the End of Life: a guide for family and friends, and Living Fully, Dying Consciously: the path to spiritual meaning. For many years Sue worked as a psychotherapist specializing in trauma, end-of-life issues, bereavement, and grief, and is now a Death Café facilitator, retreat and workshop leader, and podcast host of Embracing Your Mortality. She is also a TEDx Speaker on Wear Your Mortality With Pride.