In this groundbreaking series featuring more than 30 prominent speakers, you’ll discover:
- How to differentiate your mind chatter from messages from spirit
- The 4 main ways you can naturally connect with loved ones on the other side
- We all have “Spirit Teams” cheering us on and guiding us toward opportunities for soul evolution
- What actually happens during near-death experiences (NDEs) and shared-death experiences
- After-death communication with loved ones can help to heal debilitating grief
- It’s never too late to heal a damaged relationship with a deceased person
- And much more...
Receive Comforting Messages of Healing and Forgiveness From Your Deceased Loved Ones
Sign up now to receive these FREE recordings and to be notified about our next 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit series:
- The Body is the Veil: How We Can Quiet Its Demands and Access Higher Consciousness? with Suzanne Giesemann
- The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife with Gregory Shushan, PhD
Featured Speakers

With Hosts:

Lisa Bonnice
Program Host at The Shift Network and Award-Winning Author

William Peters, MA, M.Ed.
Founder of the Shared Crossing Project and Director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative

What Science Says About Crossing Over & the Afterlife
Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is.
But what happens on Earth is only the beginning.
— Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Do you long to connect with loved ones who have passed on? Are you curious about near-death or shared-death experiences? Or, are you seeking to help a loved one transition through their own death process with grace and peace?
Recently, there’s been a plethora of research, documentation, and scientific evidence being reported in peer-reviewed medical journals about the afterlife, the crossing over process, and what actually happens to us after death.
Empirical data is also being reported worldwide on the phenomena of near-death experiences, which seems to suggest (based on first-hand accounts of people who have “clinically died” and subsequently been brought back to life) that there is a measurable continuation of “consciousness” after the body ceases to function.
In fact, there are extensive archives of evidence-based data showing us that there may actually be what some are now calling sufficient evidence for “veridical perception” — transpersonal experiences proving the existence of life-after-life.
This evidence ranges from reports of heightened consciousness (seeing, feeling, knowing, and sensing outside of physical material limitations) experienced by the soul or spirit outside the body, often as a frantic attempt is being made by medical personnel to revive the person...
... to accounts of people who have clear memories of what was happening while their physical body was categorized as being “clinically dead.”
We intuitively know, and can feel, that our loved ones on the other side are close — if we can just stop all the noise and outer world distractions for a minute. That would allow us to tune in to their vibrations of love, support, synchronicities, and angelic messages.
And, as we make these powerful ancestral connections, working with trusted, reputable channelers or mediums to reunite with our departed loved ones…
… we’ll come to realize that they are continuing to support us beyond the veil, allowing us to let go of our fear of death and live more fully in the present.
In the 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit series, you’ll hear from leading medical professionals, spirit communicators, and NDE experts who will share effective ways to remove some of the major energetic blocks that may be preventing you from connecting with deceased loved ones.
Whether you’re looking to gain meaningful closure around the loss of a loved one, hoping to assist someone in making their transition, or wanting to glean insights for how to live your own life more fully in the here and now…
… this unique online event will awaken your curiosity and fascination about what lies on the other side of the veil, empowering you to view dying in a brand-new way.

Here’s some of what our brilliant teachers will be sharing with you...
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Suzanne Giesemann will reveal effective tools and processes designed to part the veil, to directly experience the reality of who you truly are. |
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Co-authors Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell will discuss Eben’s dramatic near-death experience, and how it profoundly affected his beliefs, values, and worldview. |
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Mark Anthony will explain his RAFT technique to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust in the experience. |
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Dr. William Bloom will share concepts, insights, and practices so that you yourself can feel and perceive the dimensions and beings beyond the veil. |
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Julie Beischel, PhD, suggests that love seems to be a universal force keeping us connected to the departed, and that unwanted symptoms of grief can be alleviated by recognizing these continuing bonds. |
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Marie Manuchehri, RN, will discuss how increasing the vibration of your energy particles opens the door to the other side, expanding your natural multisensory abilities. |
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Shelley Kaehr, PhD, will lead a guided meditation to help you access a personal healing space, where you can meet a trusted guide or angel to assist you on your healing journey. |
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Rob Schwartz will narrate stories of pre-birth planning and explain the main reasons why we plan our greatest challenges before we’re born. |
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Indigenous medium Shawn Leonard will unveil how to receive messages from the spirit world using the universal language of spirit communication. |
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Gregory Shushan, PhD, will explore the relationships between near-death experiences, shamanism, reincarnation memories, psychic mediumship, and beliefs in life after death. |
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Psychic medium and kidney transplant recipient Ericka Boussarhane will present a compelling exploration of mortality, the afterlife, grief, synchronicity, and beyond-the-grave communication. |
And much more... |

Expert Guidance to Connect Safely & Joyfully Beyond the Veil
Do you wonder if it’s even possible to communicate with dear departed souls who have crossed over into the afterlife and are now seemingly out of reach?
From time immemorial, we humans have consulted seers, oracles, and mediums, hoping to penetrate the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Beyond curiosity, we seek to ease our fears, and those of our loved ones, by furthering our understanding of what — if anything — comes next.
In the 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit series, you’ll hear illuminating insights from medical professionals, researchers, those who have tasted death and come back, and experts who can help you communicate with those who have crossed over.
This life-enriching online event will guide you through an abundance of practical teachings, including how to conduct spirit communication in a safe way, find a reputable medium for assistance, and discern if you are receiving true spirit guidance.
These wisdom keepers will also share ways you can tap into intention, stillness, and openness to hear, feel, and see angels, guides, and light beings, so you can receive answers, hugs, healing, and the infinite forgiveness and support that are always available beyond the apparent barrier of death.
You’ll discover how to tell the difference between a sign from the Universe (or angels) and a sign from a loved one, or a synchronicity, coming from the other side — through meditation, prayer, dream analysis, and automatic writing.
You’ll also learn about the hidden language around end-of-life, grateful for your newfound insight that consciousness quickens during the dying process…
… as you ease a loved one’s transition between life and death, knowing that love truly plays a central role in helping people to let go.
Let these teachings and guidance touch your heart, heal your wounds, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and ultimately draw you towards a deeper place of peace as you approach the subjects of crossing over, the experience of death, the afterlife, and the celestial realm with a deeper sense of awe.
Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.
— David Searls
In the 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit series, you’ll be guided to blend science and spirituality to create your own unique, powerful journey — offering closure for difficult losses, healing emotional release, and a more joyous and fully engaged life NOW for you and your loved ones! Sign up for this landmark series.
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.
— Walt Whitman
Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit…
“So refreshing to know there are so many open-minded spiritual souls who are willing to share their knowledge with all.”
Thoroughly enjoyed each speaker in the summit! So refreshing to know there are so many open-minded spiritual souls who are willing to share their knowledge with all. Bravo to The Shift Network!
— Snooky G., Portland, Oregon
“My soul is recharged, I feel hopeful, and my love bank is full.”
Thank you for this enlightening 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit! My soul is recharged, I feel hopeful, and my love bank is full.
— Sarah Carver, Spokane County, Washington
“This summit was the bomb!”
This summit was the bomb! So many interesting topics — so much knowledge gathered — I've listened to quite a few of the presentations over again already. I have always had an affinity for those beyond the veil and the topics here just made me realize that I am just a baby in the subject!! Makes me want to have more in-depth conversation or courses from all of the presenters! Definitely will be doing some follow-up browsing, book reading, and course work.
— Denise Flinchbaugh, Elizabeth, Colorado
“Whether you were novice or enlightened, there was something for everyone to learn, enjoy, and have fun!”
Thank you, Shift Network, for the 2022 Beyond the Veil Summit and making it accessible for anyone to attend! I was amazed at the variety of speakers on the topic. Whether you were novice or enlightened, there was something for everyone to learn, enjoy, and have fun!
— Lisa T., California
“It was an incredible learning experience.”
It was an incredible learning experience. I will be visiting the provided websites in the near future and will be unpacking my notes. I am grateful for the experience and the opportunity to listen to experts/teachers. Recently a beloved friend passed — she promised to visit me after her passing; more than that she shared her death with me in a dream/vision (I didn't even know that was a thing). This summit was perfect timing. Thank you!
— Dixie, Liberty Lake, Washington
“After listening to everyone, I'm a believer!!”
I find this all so interesting, I could listen all night if I had the time. I think if anything, after listening you will not be afraid of dying. That was always my biggest fear, wondering if there really is anything after dying. After listening to everyone, I'm a believer!!
— Hannah Wragg, Seviereville,Tennessee
“All in all, a very positive and valuable experience.”
I learned something from everyone I listened to. I thoroughly enjoyed both summits, last year and this one, from The Shift Network. I resonated more with some speakers than others, of course. I had a few highly impactful moments where a couple different speakers triggered a wonderful epiphany that answered some personal questions for me. I will continue to work with what I experienced and learned here in my personal journey. All in all, a very positive and valuable experience.
— Cinda, California
“To hear your top-quality guest speakers from all areas with their experiences and knowledge is beyond amazing.”
Well, I don't know where to start. This is my second Shift Network summit... no words can explain how fantastic these experiences have been! So enjoyable, and for my personal growth, mind-blowing. To hear your top-quality guest speakers from all areas with their experiences and knowledge is beyond amazing. I was riveted. Thank you so much, Shift, with much gratitude.
— Dawn Olivier, South Africa